Small Wins – The Fight for the Second Amendment

Sometimes being a Second Amendment (2A) advocate in California can be discouraging. The seemingly endless string of new gun control laws, disinformation, and ever increasing infringement upon basic rights can, at times, make staying positive a challenge.
Occasionally we forget that the 2A is alive and well throughout most of Free America and its only in a handful of backward states that our 2A rights have suffered significantly.
One way to stay positive is to focus on the small wins that are accomplished daily in California by patriotic individuals who’ve decided to join the fight. It is through the small wins that normal Americans will eventually succeed in not only restoring and protecting the 2A but in preserving all the rights guaranteed by the Constitution.
The following are some examples of local volunteer heroes and their small wins:
- Michael Schwartz – Founder and Executive Director of San Diego County Gun Owners (SDCGO), a 2A advocacy group. SDCGO focuses on electing politicians throughout the County that support the Second Amendment. After only three years, SDCGO has grown to over 1500 members and, among other things, led the successful effort to regain concealed carry rights for citizens of San Diego County.
- Judi Wells – Runs the San Diego Chapter of A Girl and a Gun. This women’s shooting group focuses on education and firearms training for women. Women shoot and train regularly in a supportive, fun environment that welcomes women new to the firearms community.
- Lance Reeter – Founder and organizer of the Charity Handgun/Rifle Course hosted at the Front Sight Firearms Training Institute in Pahrump, Nevada. This will be the 7th annual event which is expected to raise over $30,000 to support leukemia/lymphoma research while providing world class firearms training to over 250 attendees. This will also be the first year of Lance’s new Texas Charity Handgun/Rifle Course.
- Lance Pelky – Founded and hosts Gun Sports Radio along with local radio and TV personality Dave Stall. This weekly live radio show covers subjects of interest to the gun community with a style that is as entertaining as it is educational.
- Lemon Grove Rod and Gun Club (LGR&G) – Sue Johnson and the many volunteers at LGR&G host four Women on Target events each year. These events always sell out and are designed to introduce women with little or no firearms experience to the shooting community. Each woman is paired with a mentor/instructor and is able to shoot a variety of handguns, rifles, and shotguns.
- Piper Smith – Founded the Armed Equality group. Piper is an extremely articulate and effective writer, speaker, and 2A advocate. Her group is focused on bringing armed and unarmed self-defense skills to the LGBT community.
- Mike Johnson – Founded and runs SD Must, a volunteer organization dedicated to the cleanup of public lands and supporting the Second Amendment. SD Must organizes regular volunteer work parties that target popular recreational areas on public lands for cleanup so that they always remain available for all citizens to enjoy.
These are just a few examples of what can be accomplished by individuals who’ve decided to make a difference. Each of us has a role to play in the fight to protect our rights. You may choose to create an organization to address an issue or join one that is already in the fight. You may choose to donate time, or money or just to become your own 2A ambassador and help to educate others. Whatever you do you have a role to play. Small wins.
The right to self-defense is a basic human right. Gun ownership is an integral part of that right. If you want to keep your rights defend them by joining San Diego County Gun Owners (SDCGO) in San Diego, Orange County Gun Owners in Orange County, or Riverside County Gun Owners in Riverside. Support the cause by listening to Gun Sports Radio live on Sunday afternoon or on the internet at your leisure. Join the fight and help us restore and preserve our second amendment rights. Together we will win.
©2019 Joseph T Drammissi
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